Monday, July 8, 2013

"Pure" Snack choices ~

A lot of clients ask for nutrition tips in and out of the studio. As we know, nutrition and fitness go hand in hand! You cannot reach your fitness goals and get the body you work for without feeding yourself the RIGHT kinds of fuel!

Here are a few of our instructor's  favorite things to eat on the go as well as for pre and post workouts! 

1: Nuts and Seeds! There are so many good options for a good, quick snack in nuts and seeds! Some top choices would be: Almonds, Raw Cashews, Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts and more! Need a little sweet boost? - Try them in a low sugar trail mix! 

2: Protein in a snack food! There are several good options with protein snacks      as well as variety. One of the keys here, is looking at the SUGAR amount per           serving!! A lot of foods advertise the protein grams on the front of the packaging then hide the crazy amounts of sugar on the back - make sure you're not settling for sugar that will turn to fat! ; ) Here are some good options :
      Atkins shakes (protein and LOW sugar!)
      Kay's Natural protein cereals, pretzel sticks and snack mix
      Natural protein bars (low sugar)
      Peanut butter (low sugar or natural) 

3: Fruit! Great options for those who get bored with a plain old apple:
      Apple slices filled with peanut butter, oats and dark or semi-sweet         
      chocolate chips
      Fruit and grain bars
      Banana - quick and easy and ready for a workout!
      Blueberries with oats and/or yogurt - Blueberries are a great dark fruit           
      antioxidant choice!

4: Meat!! More proteins! Exactly what you need for a workout and a good way     
     to fill up without eating sugars and dirty carbs! Bake some  chicken nuggets
     or even grab the grilled choice at the drive through.  Jerky is also a good 
     on-the-go choice!

Remember to try to make good choices throughout your day and don't forget to FUEL your body!! You can only lift, tone and burn those calories with a strong working metabolism! Let your body work for you!

LTB!! : )

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