Friday, June 28, 2013

Pure Friendships

Pure Friends, Susan Blanchard and Dawn Bendig, tell a little about their Pure Barre-made friendship and their favorite things about the Barre!

Q: How long have you been taking Pure Barre and when did you meet?

Susan&Dawn: We have been taking Pure Barre for about 2 years and we met while taking the same class times. We became friends and have taken our friendship outside the barre, doing fun things like riding to the opening of the Tuscaloosa studio together, going to dinner and cooking together, and even planning trips to take!

Q: What is your favorite part of class and how do you feel after you leave your workout?

Susan: I love it ALL! I feel happy after I leave. 
Dawn: My favorite part is the warm-up and arm series because it sets my focus for a great class - then the thigh series and those highest pair of high heels! My happiest part of the day is after a great PB workout!

Q: What is your favorite thing about the Pure Barre 280 studio?

Susan: Definitely the people - from the instructors to the clients, there is a great vibe and people are friendly. 
Dawn: I have been to at least 9 other studios and nothing can compare to 280. 
Our instructors care about each individual. They know us by name and encourage us during class. They strive to make us the best we can be in a manner that makes you want to work harder. Our classes and studio are superior to any other I've been to.

Q: How long had you been coming to Pure Barre before you saw results and changes in your body?

Susan: Definitely that 1st month of taking classes. I had already exercised and done several different things, but nothing changed my body the way Pure Barre does.

Dawn: The first month of taking class! I was going out and put on a dress I had bought a few months earlier that I needed to wear with spanx. I slid on the dress, looked in the mirror, and realized I no longer needed the spanx!

Q: What would you tell someone who is thinking about starting Pure Barre?

Susan: I would recommend trying at least 10 classes to begin with. You can get the technique better that way and really learn what you're working to dig in deep and see results. 

Dawn: I would tell someone, and have, that Pure Barre has changed me mentally and physically. . . commit yourself to at least 4 times a week and don't be afraid to challenge yourself at every class!

Q: What do you admire most about each other in the time that you have gotten to be friends through Pure Barre?

Susan: I love the way Dawn and I motivate each other. We come to class at the same time and both push each other to have our best workout. I also love that we just have fun together! 

Dawn: I admire Susan's consistency, dedication, work ethic and loyalty to Pure Barre - and in life! Susan is and has been a true friend to me! Thanks to you, Pure Barre 280, I have a friend for life!

Susan and Dawn at Pure Barre 280 Intensive night! Thanks to our fabulous, faithful clients!! 

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